Cindy Lemcke-Hoong wrote:

Hello Tom, Taran, Richard
Everytime I wanted to stop posting ...
If you mean lack of "free" content provision perhaps:

Tom: Actually they were written by Taran... no matter. I will give one thought of my own now that you gave 2 examples of where one can find contents... both English sites. Your suggest lead me to the thought of: are we all looking at this world is going to be on giant MONOlingual (English) place? How about French, Hindi, Swahili, Korean, Mandarin, Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia ... not to mention another 100 or so languages of this world !! ... I better not start another arguement about bringing the burden of learning English (THE divide, by the way, created by the ICT world).. :-) ..

Taran, Richard, Re: Pushing technology ...

I have written before: as long as we are using first world solution solving 3rd world problems, we will never get out of this mode. Give them the tools they need, not the tools WE THINK they should have.
Stoop DOWN to their level... One can see better together
with them



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Im guessing you haven't seen my other post on this subject. I am a great supporter of GNU/Linux BECAUSE of its openness to adaptability and its language support, and because it will allow other cultures to take it and "make it their own" in the way they best see fit.

I have worked on a project to get computers from the UK to a school in the Philippines (my wife come from the Philippines) and I am now working on a project to get computers to a "school" in the Cameroon. But already in the time that it has taken to get the first project off the ground, the Philippine linux gurus have created their own distribution. This only caters for their national (native) language, as well as English, and there are many languages / dialects in the Philippines (my wife speeks three languages, her "mother dialect" Visaya, Tagalog (the national native language) and English). But it does show what can be achieved through free open platforms and determination. Given time there is no reason why there should not be translations for all the major dialects and languages in the Philippines.

Interestingly for the Cameroon project I have just been asked to install support for French (English and French are the official languages of the Cameroon with French being the dominant language, all be it that the computers are going to the "English" speaking area of the Cameroon). Anyway, before being asked to provide this I had never noticed the language selector on the login screen before. This is what you get for being a colonial thinking English man (me). It took seconds to switch to French, of course once I logged in I didnt understand a word in the pull down menus, but it proved the point. I (as in any user) had the choice of language, and the opportunity to control my own destiny.

You are right that most of the texts provided by guttenberg are English. wikipedia has translations although the English one is the most supported (in terms of pages etc.). However, if it is possible to find one person in a community that can translate into the local language, given the right tools, it only needs to be done once. Indeed the mediawiki tool which is the driving engine for wikipedia is "free(dom)" software, so it could be installed locally in a school and server the whole community as a repository of any form of information of interest to community members.

My philosophy is to plant a seed in the right soil, with the right lighting / shade, then come back in 5 years and see whats its managed to achieve without me. I know what sort of tree its going to be because I planted it, but I may be surprised by how tall, strong or beautiful it has become.

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