> Training is the linchpin that holds everything together. Without 
> it, as well as intense, ongoing support, this is a pipedream 
> inside a shibboleth inside a folly.

Hi Steve, all,

Appropriate training offers enormous opportunity, yet I wonder if we might
not also acknowledge the value of self-development and ability of modern
software to nurture the development of skills and understanding.

I managed a Telecentre for several years. We conducted computer training and
this was very successful - but it was also not uncommon for computing
novice's to simply walk in, sit at a machine, and "learn to drive" in the
same way a child on any farm learns to ride a motor bike; trial and error. I
was often amazed at just how quickly some people would develop literacy with
no help whatsoever other than the machine in front of them.

Sharing the reservations of a lot of people about Negroponte's proposal,
nonetheless I don't see a lack of training as a total inhibitor to success.
People can develop without structured training.  

Cheers, Don

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