My thoughts on all of this are pretty well documented, but I'll just mention briefly - again - that the cost of the laptops viewed alone may seem worthwhile to some and not worthwhile to others. However, when looked at in the context of a national economy, I find the Negroponte initiative indefensible and have found no one with a suitable defense for expending that much on something while not extending a technological, financial or even societal infrastructure. Further, it assures a dependency on a hardware and support infrastructure which will be handled by the same governments and entities which could not provide appropriate infrastructure in the first place.

It's cold, it's hard, it's true. Unfortunately, the iceberg that sank the Titanic didn't get named. But we all remember the Titanic.

I'd also like to note that 'success', as usual, appears to be used in many different contexts here. What is success for this initiative? Yes, it's quite *cool* that there's a neon-colored thing out there with these abilities - send me one, I'll evaluate it instead of speculate - but I believe that this laptop will only guarantee that children will continue to be born naked. It also manages to get a lot of publicity for a certain person who apparently should just trademark the thing and be done with it.

The only thing I can see that is substantially worthwhile about the initiative is that it's promoting discussion, but the discussion itself seems to be a wavering defense of what promises so much for those with so little.

Cerveza Libre!

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago

Always looking for contracts!



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