Leandro Lucarella, el  8 de octubre a las 01:44 me escribiste:
> Denis Koroskin, el  8 de octubre a las 05:14 me escribiste:
> > I tried using your GC under D2/Windows, and unfortunately it crashes
> > with Access Violation (I used a version modified by Sean as a
> > starting point with little changes to fix compilation error).
> > 
> > Are there any plans supporting it? I'm willing to help with testing
> > it as much as I can.
> As I told to Sean, I tried my best to not break Windows support very
> much, but I don't have a Windows environment to test with (and to very
> interested on creating one to be honest, sorry :S). But I am very
> interested on accepting patches to make Windows work (and improvements).
> Testing the GC on Windows might not be very tempting though, as the main
> improvement is based on the fork(2) system call, which is not available
> on Windows, so all the fun options will be disabled there. The only
> thing that might worth trying in Windows is the precise scanning (well,
> there are some other minor optimizations that proved useful).

BTW, I've put up a small (Linux/POSIX) HOWTO to easily try CDGC. People
interested on trying CDGC might find it useful:


Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
GPG Key: 5F5A8D05 (F8CD F9A7 BF00 5431 4145  104C 949E BFB6 5F5A 8D05)
Cuando el Mártir estaba siendo perseguido y aglutinado por los
citronetos, aquellos perversos que pretendian, en su maldad, piononizar
las enseñanzas de Peperino.
        -- Peperino Pómoro

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