02.04.2012 21:21, Oleg Kuporosov пишет:
There is good news for Russian D Developers, translated Andrey's
TDPL is available for pre-orders at some online stores


Hope it will definetelly increase Russian speaking community, so
far we don't have good localized resources on D.

Andrey, is it first translation?


I was afraid of it and it has finally happened. Sorry, but there is only *bad* news for us.

I started reading translation of the foreword by Scott Meyers... The translation is not verbatim (strange, because it's not a poems translation), but readable... For some reason, a sentence
The result can be thought of as C-based "productivity languages."
is thrown out. Why? A translator has'n understood it ("ниасилил")? Worse, but still readable because this sentence is not critical... All of a sudden!
"If you know how to write a function in current C++, you know nothing about how to write the corresponding C++ function that's evaluated during compilation. If you know how to write a function in D, however, you know exactly how to write its compile-time variant, because the code is the same."
Is translated as
Даже зная, как написать функцию на современном С++, вы и понятия не имеете о том, как эта функция выглядит после компиляции. Но если вы знаете, как написать функцию на D, вы в точности представляете, как написать ее скомпилированный вариант, потому что этот код выглядит точно так же.
which means:
Even knowing how to write a function in modern C++, you have no idea how this function looks after compilation. But if you know how to write a function in D, you know exactly how to write the compiled version of it, because this code looks exactly the same.

Can not read it any more after this... They even haven't engaged a single person who knows both D & English a bit or at least can use Google translator & Google search!...

I can only imagine what people will thing about D after reading such "translation"...

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