On Wednesday, 16 January 2013 at 15:55:09 UTC, renoX wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 13:43:12 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 January 2013 at 12:36:42 UTC, bearophile wrote:

Nested for loops with if-statements can be hard on the eye in Python, because you have to go back an double check on which level you actually are

If you use the standard 4 spaces indentations and you don't have ten indentation levels this problem is not common. Some persons also avoid your problem with an editor that shows thin vertical lines every 4 spaces (but only where the lines are actually reaching that length).

It happens very quickly if you have a class, a def, a nested for loop with one or two if statements


You could call it "south west" code.

I'm not sure what is your point, even with 5 level of indentations and the standard 4 space indentations, on a normal 80 colum window you still have 3/4 of the window for the code..


My point is that Python code is not necessarily more readable only because it enforces indentation via syntax. If the code between the different blocks (for, if, else etc) is long enough, you easily lose track of where exactly you are when scrolling down, just like in any other language (Yes, you need tools that help you!). And one of the biggest drawbacks is that it is a nuisance to cut and paste or comment out in Python because you have to format your code _before_ you even know whether it works as desired. If it doesn't, all the extra formatting work was in vain. So much for "saving time". I do believe that abstract ideals should not be given precedence over (coding) reality. If Python is the ideal, why and how do other languages manage to survive? How can people read code written in other languages at all?

As has been said many times before, it should not be the language's job to enforce indentation. This should be handled by customizable code editors. Any programmer in his/her right mind will use indentation. So why enforce it through syntax rules?

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