On Thursday, 27 June 2013 at 03:20:37 UTC, Mathias Lang wrote:
I've read (almost), everything, so I hope I won't miss a point here:
a) I've heard about MSVC, Red Hat, Qt, Linux and so on. From my
understanding, none of the projects mentionned have gone from free (as in free beer) to hybrid/closed. And I'm not currently able to think of one
successful, widespread project that did.
Then you are not paying attention. As I've already noted several times, Visual Studio, which is the way most use MSVC, has both paid and free versions. Red Hat contains binary blobs and possibly other non-OSS software and charges companies for consulting and support. Qt is an "open core" project that is dual-licensed under both OSS and commercial licenses, the latter of which you pay for. Linux contains binary blobs in the vast majority of installs and most people running it paid for it.

If your implied point is that the original authors aren't the ones taking the project hybrid or paid, it depends on the license. Sometimes it is those owning the original copyright, as it had to be in the Qt, MySQL, and other dual-licensing cases, other times it isn't.

b) Thinking that being free (as a beer and/or as freedom), hybrid, closed source of whatever is a single critera of success seems foolish. I'm not asking for a complete comparison (I think my mailbox won't stand it ;-) ), but please stop comparing a free operating software with a paid compiler, and assume the former have more users than the later because it's free (and vice-versa). In addition, I don't see the logic behind comparing something born in the 90s with something from the 2000s. Remember the Dot-com bubble ?
Obviously nothing is a "single criteria of success," as has been stated already. In complex social fields like business or technology ventures, where there are many confounding factors, judgement and interpretation are everything.

By your rationale, we might as well do _anything_ because how could we possibly know that C++ wasn't immensely successful only because Bjarne Stroustrup is a Dane? Obviously none of this discussion matters, as D has very little Danish involvement and therefore can never be as popular. ;)

You have to have the insight to be able to weigh all these competing factors and while I agree that most cannot, those who are successful do.

d) People pay for something they need. They don't adopt something because they can pay for it. That's why paid compiler must follow language
promotion, not the other way around.
These assertions are somewhat meaningless. Those who value performance will pay for the optimized version of the dmd compiler that I've proposed. Those who don't will use the slower, pure-OSS version. There is no reason for a paid compiler to only follow promotion, both must be done at the same time.

In any case, I've lost interest in this debate. I've made my case, those involved with the D compiler can decide if this would be a worthwhile direction. From their silence so far, I can only assume that they are not interested in rousing the ire of the freetards and will simply maintain the status quo of keeping all source public.

This will lead to D's growth being slowed, compared to the alternative of providing a paid compiler also. That's their choice to make.

If somebody stumbles across this thread later, perhaps they will close up optimization patches to ldc and sell a paid version. Given that those behind dmd have not expressed any interest in a paid version, maybe these ldc vendors will not involve them with the money or feature decisions of their paid ldc. It would be likely that this paid compiler becomes the dominant one and the original dmd project is forgotten.

If you don't choose the best approach, a hybrid model, you leave it open for somebody else to do it and take the project in a different direction.

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