On 27 June 2013 09:53, Joakim <joa...@airpost.net> wrote:
> those involved with the D compiler can decide if this would be a worthwhile
> direction.  From their silence so far, I can only assume that they are not
> interested in rousing the ire of the freetards and will simply maintain the
> status quo of keeping all source public.

True, I tend to just ignore comments from opportunists who jump in and
shout "Hey guys! I'm new around here, have you guys tried to do
something completely radical on the off chance that it will work? I
have a good feeling about this..!!"

But as it stands, I'm taking a quick break from my usual GDC work
before I reach stage 12 of burnout. ;)

> This will lead to D's growth being slowed, compared to the alternative of
> providing a paid compiler also.  That's their choice to make.

In your opinion.

> If somebody stumbles across this thread later, perhaps they will close up
> optimization patches to ldc and sell a paid version.  Given that those
> behind dmd have not expressed any interest in a paid version, maybe these
> ldc vendors will not involve them with the money or feature decisions of
> their paid ldc.  It would be likely that this paid compiler becomes the
> dominant one and the original dmd project is forgotten.

This was said when GDC got the D2 language stable.  The reality? I
wouldn't hold my breath...  I'm still a one-man team, and there is no
contingency in place should something happen to me.

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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