On Thursday, 7 August 2014 at 17:11:23 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
well I don't mind that habits are totally different - but the fact that it is considered an excuse for distributing broken programs (and cl.exe is broken by most basic software usability principles) is frustrating at least. "Polishing" means exactly paying attention to details like that, making sure that features on one uses still work when stumbled upon. And making your GUI even more fancy is, well, making you GUI fancy. Nothing to do with polishing.

And here I also mean that all other Windows builds of compilers / interpreters I have used / tried passed that simple sanity test. Some may require complicated setup to do complicated things but "hello world" is always just that simple.

Microsoft seems to be the only company who can afford doing things like that with users and expect them to suck it >_<

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