On Monday, 23 July 2018 at 08:08:03 UTC, Mike Franklin wrote:
So, IMO, if you need to link in a library or object file that was not compiled from D code, then you're cheating. This is also one of the reasons why I suggested re-implementing software building blocks such as `memcpy`, `memset`, `malloc`, `free`, etc. in D as another potential project for the Autumn of Code.

So, to keep this software rasterizer project within scope, I suggest creating naive implementations of those functions in D for now to stay true to spirit of the project (no dependencies, everything in D), and "make the point". You can those software building blocks in their own module, and let the user of the software rasterizer library link it their own implementation if they wish to deviate from the spirit of the proposal.

That's actually what I am doing now. Currently I wrote a short script to ensure the symbols in the main project within a subset (https://github.com/htfy96/rasterizer-d-embed/blob/master/check-no-und-symbols.sh). I also plan to create some basic dependency-free building blocks like memcpy/memset/memcmp (already implemented in https://github.com/htfy96/d-rlib) and malloc/free (maybe reusing some building blocks from std.experimental.allocator?) in separate projects. Regarding floating point operations, I plan to use dmd.builtins/ldc.builtins instead of linking with libm.

Above this well-defined set of primitives, the core rasterizer will be built, so that users can plug in their own implementations or use the default implementation when libc/libm is linked.

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