On Wednesday, 8 April 2020 at 12:47:57 UTC, aliak wrote:

I've been meaning to give flutter a try though... it seems to be catching steam. Only problem is google is "known" for just dropping things. But who knows, let's see.

Flutter is indeed pretty cool. We've used it last year at work. And we'll likely continue using in the second half of this year. I don't think Flutter will go away as it's been gaining really high traction (almost 90k stars on GitHub [1]), and in general, it looks like Google is accelerating its investment in the tech and the community [2]. Also, AFAIK, it's the primary app platform for their upcoming Fuchsia OS.

The Dart language, however, is seriously handicapped. It's much better than Go, but that's a pretty low bar. Ever since I've used Flutter, I've been making plans to create a tool that translates Dart code to D, so I could use the Flutter engine and the Flutter framework to write a D app ;)

[1]: https://github.com/flutter/flutter
[2]: https://flutterevents.com/

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