Hi all,

Generic version of Ryu algorithm [1] was ported to D, well optimized, and adopted to mir packages.

It allows printing the shortest (scientific) decimal form of a floating-point number that if it is converted back would produce the same floating-point number.

The update requires mir-algorithm [2] >=3.10.13

@safe pure nothrow unittest
    import mir.conv: to;
    assert(12.3.to!string == "1.23e1");
    assert(12.3456789.to!string == "1.23456789e1");

    // CTFE-able
    static assert(12.3456789.to!string == "1.23456789e1");

@safe pure @nogc unittest
    // @nogc
    import mir.conv: to;
    import mir.small_string;
    assert(12.3.to!(SmallString!32) == "1.23e1");
    assert(12.3456789.to!(SmallString!32) == "1.23456789e1");

@safe pure @nogc nothrow unittest
    // @nogc
    import mir.format;
    stringBuf buffer;
    auto data = buffer << 12.3 << ", " << 12.3456789 << getData;
    assert(data == "1.23e1, 1.23456789e1");

Floating-point numbers can be converted to stack-allocated decimal numbers.

    @safe pure nothrow @nogc
// float and double can be used to construct Decimal of any length
        auto decimal64 = Decimal!1(-1.235e-7);
        assert(decimal64.exponent == -10);
        assert(decimal64.coefficient == -1235);

        // real number may need Decimal at least length of 2
        auto decimal128 = Decimal!2(-1.235e-7L);
        assert(decimal128.exponent == -10);
        assert(decimal128.coefficient == -1235);

        decimal128 = Decimal!2(1234e3f);
        assert(decimal128.exponent == 3);
        assert(decimal128.coefficient == 1234);

Recent releases of ASDF [3] and Mir Ion [4] use this formatting by default. It allows performing JSON serialization without loss of precision.

Note that D's compiler floating-point literals parsing and Phobos floating-point literals parsing are not precise [5,6,7,8]. It is recommended to use Mir's to!double/float/real to convert floating-point numbers from a string.

The work has been sponsored by Symmetry Investments and Kaleidic Associates.

Kind regards,

[1] https://github.com/ulfjack/ryu
[2] http://mir-algorithm.libmir.org/
[3] http://asdf.libmir.org/
[4] http://mir-ion.libmir.org/
[5] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20951
[6] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20952
[7] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20953
[8] https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20967

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