On Tuesday, 22 December 2020 at 09:18:25 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/21/2020 8:33 PM, 9il wrote:
These functions in Phobos would make a great advertisement for Mir.
How this possible?

A lot more people will have Phobos than Phobos+Mir. If they are perusing the source code and see Mir contributed excellent floating point formatting code, they may have never heard of Mir but have now.

"If, If Is Good" (Disney Company). From the marketing point of view, this doesn't make real sense.

Then they'll be likely to be positively disposed towards using Mir because of the high quality code.

Mir doesn't need a Phobos conformity mark. In many designs and implementation questions, Phobos is far behind Mir. The reality is that Phobos asks for 6K+ LOC Mir's code, while Phobos legacy in Mir's codebase is less than a quite well reworked few percentages.

It's the same idea as HBO offering the first episode for free in a miniseries. People watch the first episode, like it, and then subscribe to HBO.

I don't take payments from people to use Mir. They don't need to dig in Phobos source code to find it. Likely they will search GitHub or code.dlang.org to find a solution they need.

Having them in Mir is already a great advertisement for Mir

Since they exist in the C standard library (except for DMC :-( ) they by themselves aren't a compelling reason for someone to use Mir.

They are, Mir comes with a CTFE/@nogc/nothrow formatting API and these functions are play well inside.

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