On Monday, 30 January 2023 at 21:50:03 UTC, thebluepandabear wrote:
Use a struct and put `static:` after the opening brace. That's what GC is in core.memory.

Using a `struct` for a purely static type would still allow the user to create instances of that `struct`. To bypass that, you'd have to disable the default constructor -- that then becomes ugly, hackish code.

Looking at the GC code found @ https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/druntime/src/core/memory.d, it seems like they have disabled the default constructor:

struct GC
    @disable this();

Interesting, so maybe there is a use case for a purely static type or namespace?

The standard library as well uses `final abstract class` a couple of times, which can also be thought as a type of namespace.

All these 'hacks' to workaround a namespace-like feature are ... interesting... So maybe such a feature would help the language?

Just askin questions!

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