On Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:29:53 +0000
jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

the proper answer is too long to write (it will be more an article that
a forum answer ;-), so i'll just give you some directions:

  import std.typecons;

    auto b = scoped!B(); // `auto` is important here!

`scoped!` allocating class instance *on* *stack*, and automatically
calls destructor when object goes out of scope.

but you'd better consider using struct for such things, as struct are
stack-allocated by default (unlike classes, which are reference type
and should be allocated manually).

there is a big difference between `class` and `struct` in D, much
bigger that in C++ (where it's only about default protection,

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