>> I see, thanks! :) I've started liking structs more and more >> recently as well and been pondering on how to convert a >> class-based code that looks like this (only the base class >> has any data): > it's hard to tell by brief description. but having multiple > inheritance > immediately rings an alarm ring for me. something is > very-very-very
> wrong if you need to have a winged whale. ;-)
A real-world example: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/cpplus_RM/hierarchy.html

H5::File is both an H5::Location and H5::CommonFG (but not an H5::Object) H5::Group is both an H5::Object (subclass of H5::Location) and H5::CommonFG
H5::Dataset is an H5::Object
i see something named "CommonFG" here, which seems to good thing to
move out of hierarchy altogether.

bwah, i don't even sure that given hierarchy is good for D. C++ has no
UFCS, and it's incredibly hard to check if some entity has some
methods/properties in C++, so they have no other choice than to work around that limitations. it may be worthful to redesign the whole thing for D, exploiting D shiny UFCS and metaprogramming features. and,
maybe, moving some things to interfaces too.

I just finished reading aldanor's blog, so I know he is slightly allergic to naked functions and prefers classes ;)

With Ketmar, I very much agree (predominantly as a user of HDF5 and less so as an inexperienced D programmr writing a wrapper for it). It's a pain to figure out just how to do simple things until you know the H5 library. You have to create an object for file permissions before you even get started, then similarly for the data series (datasets) within, another for the dimensions of the array, etc etc - that doesn't fit with the intrinsic nature of the domain.

There is a more general question of bindings/wrappers - preserve the original structure and naming so existing code can be ported, or write a wrapper that makes it easy for the user to accomplish his objectives. It seems like for the bindings preserving the library structure is fine, but for the wrapper one might as well make things easy.

Eg here https://gist.github.com/Laeeth/9637233db41a11a9d1f4
line 146. (sorry for duplication and messiness of code, which I don't claim to be perfectly written - I wanted to try something quickly and have not yet tidied up).

So rather than navigate the Byzantine hierarchy, one can just do something like this (which will take a struct of PriceBar - date,open,high,low,close - and put it in your desired dataset and file, appending or overwriting as you prefer).

which is closer to h5py in Python. (It uses reflection to figure out the contents of a non-nested struct, but won't yet cope with arrays and nested structs inside). And of course a full wrapper might be a bit more complicated, but I truly think one can do better than mapping the HDF5 hierarchy one for one.


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