On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at 07:52:50 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
Could you please add "-v" do the command line when compiling.

Mine was completely different:

$ dmd -v test.d
binary    dmd
version   v2.069
config    /usr/local/bin/dmd.conf
parse     test
importall main
import    object        (/Library/D/dmd/src/druntime/import/object.d)
semantic  main
entry     main          test.d
semantic2 main
test.d(7): Error: undefined identifier 'selector'
test.d(13): Error: undefined identifier 'selector'
test.d(14): Error: undefined identifier 'selector'

Also, look what I have in my import/core folder. It doesn't match yours:

atomic.d checkedint.d demangle.d internal/ memory.d simd.d sync/ thread.d vararg.d bitop.d cpuid.d exception.d math.d runtime.d stdc/ sys/ time.d

So, then I uninstalled dmd via brew, but found it left a /Library/D folder behind. Therein lies the problem. So, I did sudo brew uninstall --force dmd, sudo su, removed the /Library/D folder, and then sudo brew install dmd. Now it works!

volomike:cpptod4 mike$ dmd -m64 -L-framework -LFoundation test.d
volomike:cpptod4 mike$ ls
test    test.d  test.o
volomike:cpptod4 mike$ ./test
2015-12-15 03:07:52.669 test[7308:116958] Hello World!
volomike:cpptod4 mike$

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