On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 20:48:37 UTC, Dav1d wrote:
On Tuesday, 12 January 2016 at 19:16:51 UTC, Jason Jeffory wrote:
So, I finally got it to work by abandoning demios and static linking. Derelict + dynamic linking worked with only about a min of problems(copying the proper dll to the correct place). I'd prefer static linking but I can deal with that later.

Yup, that's a little bit annoying on Windows (also as mentioned before the deimos bindings weren't updated in a while, might contribute to your issue).

My current problem is: 1. The code doesn't work as expected: It should show a type of triangle on the display, instead the whole display is colored, probably user error as I cobbled together some tutorial code. 2*. I get an access violation when exiting the program. I have no idea how, why, or where this is happening(except, obviously towards the end of the program... probably a cleanup issue).

What does a debugger say? Where is it coming from?

It doesn't I put a break point on the glfwTerminate() and what visual studio/d shows is something in the "import derelict.glfw3.glfw3;" statement.

Well, a BP on on glfwTerminate is never reached. Hence it must be before that. The loop should work fine because it works already. One would think it is the while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(window)), but using just a global variable still causes the exception.

Hence the logical place the except should be occurring is


If I remove it and just use a counter and exit after while, then there is no exception. Hence, it must be glfwPollEvents();

But what can I do about that? Must be an issue with Derelict or glfw! Since Derelict is just bindings, it suggests glfw. But what possibly could be wrong?

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