In my hiatus from D, I decided to take the plunge and teach myself Objective-C. This gave me some interesting insights into both languages. It's so fun, whenever I find another programmer, one of the first twenty things I say is "have you ever tried Digital Mars D? It will change your whole life, I swear to you!"

Anyways, I decided to write up a comparison of the two languages from a less technical, more deployment oriented standpoint. IOW, examining how well they perform for the last mile of development: deploying software.

As is my general stance, I refuse to downright pick a side - they're both good languages. But I thought that those of you who put so much (god-damn heroic) effort into D might appreciate a little critique for a small bit of perspective.

Also, I do honor the right of reply. If there's something I have written that is now incorrect or inaccurate I will of course change my page to reflect that. Heck, all the comparisons in the world are worthless if they aren't accurate!

Have a great day, and keep up the good work! I personally can't wait until D gets to the point that a (total bonehead) like me can install it on OS X! Alas, right now it seemeth to require more brain cells than I have at my disposal.

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