== Quote from Jason House (jason.james.ho...@gmail.com)'s article
> The problem with GUI interfaces is that common things are easy and uncommon
things are impossible.  One unix tool you will use over and over again is grep. 
a commandline utility, it can be combined with other stuff such as ls, sort, 
sed, awk, etc... I don't know if I'd start there though...

Yes, but often the command line tool has so many switches and tries to be so
general and is such a PITA to use that it may as well be its own little
programming language.  (See inner platform effect.)  At that point, for anything
non-trivial (i.e. far beyond the default use of said tool), I'd rather just 
a small, quick and dirty program in a general-purpose programming language and
standard library that I already know than learn the intricacies of these command
line tools.

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