On Saturday, 8 December 2012 at 23:52:48 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
The topic has been discussed extensively a short while ago, so I'll keep this short:

As you will probably remember, Vladimir Panteleev has kindly agreed to set up a MediaWiki instance, meant to replace the current D wiki at prowiki.org. It is reachable at http://dwiki.kimsufi.thecybershadow.net/Main_Page, and several people have actively been adding content to it already (thanks a lot!).

In my opinion, it is already much more inviting than the old wiki. The next logical step would be to officially adopt it as the D wiki, i.e. make wiki.dlang.org point to it and change the links on dlang.org accordingly.

So, the question is, what is stopping us from doing that right now? Is there anything important missing? [1]

At this point, the MediaWiki instance still has slightly less content, but I think this will quickly change once it has received the official blessing. Besides that, it will probably be a good idea to keep around the old one as an archive anyway, at least for a short while.


[1] The DIPs have not been moved yet, but that's in order to avoid confusion regarding the official source.

I agree that moving from prowiki to mediawiki is a good idea, but new site is just almost empty (http://dwiki.kimsufi.thecybershadow.net/?title=Special:RecentChanges&days=30&from=&limit=500 see also http://dwiki.kimsufi.thecybershadow.net/Special:AllPages) and some portion of it is dedicated to developers (Walter Bright, Alexandrescu and others) which is not very interesting for those who are seeking language technical details.

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