On 12/12/12 1:37 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
There may be some helpful scripts to facilitate a new workflow, but the
examples given I feel just translate to learning a D specific git
commands. Seriously you'll end up with a layer of abstraction that will
make it harder for those familiar with git to understand and limit the
ability of newer users to understand the state their working copy is in.

I disagree. I wrote a few git scripts for Facebook-specific workflows and a lot of people (including me) use them.

Beyond that we need to have a wiki page with workflows:

"To initiate a new feature"

"To initiate a bug fix"

"To initiate a library addition without formal review"

"To initiate a library addition with formal review"


$ git checkout devbranch
$ git checkout -b newfeaturename

$ git checkout stablebranch
$ git checkout -b fixbugxxx

How these should be folded back is the harder part. For example the bug
fix should then be into stablebranch and devbranch.

All of these will be part of the instructions and the macros. The branch names will be standardized.

There is also the matter of pulling in changes of your stable or dev
branch as you work, this is done with the add --rebase switch (and I
believe opens the doors for more merge conflicts than a standard merge).

All of these should be subsections in the documentation.

"If your branch has conflicts"

"If your branch became really messed up"


(One piece that has been brought forward is
http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/ - something to
keep in mind.)

I would like to note that these simple flows do not mimic our world. We
have three projects that need to be marked for release in tandem. It
doesn't need address now, but it should be noted.

I think it would be cool if the idea behind workbench project someone
started was used officially to sync dmd/phobos/dlang.org and provide any
of these needed deployment scripts. It would add to the complexity but
much of it is already there this would just make it more apparent.

What is the workbench project?


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