On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 at 16:14:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I disagree. I wrote a few git scripts for Facebook-specific workflows and a lot of people (including me) use them.

May have been a knee jerk reaction. Good to hear it has been used.

$ git checkout devbranch
$ git checkout -b newfeaturename

$ git checkout stablebranch
$ git checkout -b fixbugxxx

All of these will be part of the instructions and the macros. The branch names will be standardized.

I'm not sure I follow on the name standardizing. Doesn't that make it so a person can only work on one bugfix and one feature at a time? The name used for the dev and stable branches should be standardized (I don't care much what master is, but I generally like it as the dev branch)

All of these should be subsections in the documentation.

"If your branch has conflicts"

"If your branch became really messed up"

Yep, just pointing out where I see the difficulty and scripts may be of more use.

What is the workbench project?


Found it, by Nathan Swan


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