On 12/21/12 7:24 AM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Example generated site is here:


Is any further work on this desired?

Thanks for this work! Let me provide a little feedback. I'm looking mainly at std.array and std.algorithm.

* There's lots of wasted real estate at the top of the page: the source, license, and authors sections are way spaced. They should compactly fill the top of the page.

* Differentiating "Functions" and "Templates" is unnecessary and tenuous. Generic functions are functions. Everything should go in one place.

* The paragraph heading "Functions:" followed immediately by "Function name" is redundant.

* The individual pages repeat the text on the page. We should have a way to differentiate the blurb from the full description. For example:

// inside array.d
$(BLURB Replace occurrences of from with to in subject.) Returns a new array without changing the contents of subject, or the original array if no match is found.
E[] replace((E,R1,R2) if (isDynamicArray!(E[]) && isForwardRange!(R1) && isForwardRange!(R2) && (hasLength!(R2) || isSomeString!(R2))))( E[] subject, R1 from, R2 to ) { ... }

The blurb would be present in the short doc, and the blurb followed by the rest of the text and the signature would appear in the full page.

* "Module" in the title is redundant I guess.

* The styling on the "+" signs in the left column should be different when the tree branch is open or closed.

* I yearned for a long time for a per-symbol page, and I'd be really happy to migrate toward that. One important consequence here is that we can improve each function's (struct's, class' etc) documentation without bloating the general documentation, which remains terse. In that vein, I'm looking at the PHP docs (which have opted for a similar structure) and that are of excellent quality. See e.g. http://us1.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php that inspires a few bullets below.

* There's a "Changelog" section which we can add to help with any backward compatibility issue.

* "See also" is awesome.

* But by very, very far the community-contributed stuff is just perfect. I really really really hope we can get something like that integrated. There are many ways to approach this:

- By integrating a wiki page via e.g. an IFRAME.
- By integrating with github
- Through a separate custom layer (a la forum.dlang.org)
- Whatever it is, we'd need some crowdsourcing (voting system etc) such that good community notes go up and bad notes go down or get ultimately deleted.

* Would be awesome to have the implementation at entity level in an expandable IFRAME instead of linking to the entire github implementation of the file.



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