On Monday, 28 January 2013 at 17:30:40 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
Let's say your type has three properties:
#1: start_time
#2: end_time
#3: duration

Changing any one of those properties must (logically) change at least one other property. Therefore, you can't just pretend that properties are simple data fields.

That is no different from volatile variables.

If you think my example of {start_time, end_time, duration} represents proper use of properties, then I don't see why you oppose array.length. To me it seems like the same thing. Array has some length, and you can change it by changing its length property. T represents a certain time range, and you can change it by changing any of its three properties {start_time, end_time, duration} which describe that time range.

My notion is at least same as C# guideline authors, so it should be not that rare. It all comes from "property == variable" mantra.

I'm just saying that when you read some code written by some person X, you can't rely on person X having the same notion of what properties should be as you do. For this reason you can't only read the documentation of methods and skip reading the documentation of properties, because properties may do/change things that you wouldn't have made them do/change.

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