On Friday, 8 February 2013 at 23:53:40 UTC, Robert wrote:
Ok. Here finally it is:


Best regards,


"Properties as defined in this DIP are a way of encapsulation of fields of an entity (class, struct, module) in a way that the class/struct/module can actually control the access and thus encapsulates it, such that the field in reality might not even exist or be in a different format than presented, ... "

This part of the definition seems to be sensible: A property implementation that meets the encapsulation test has to prevent direct access to the underlying property variables so that access can be controlled.

Unfortunately the current proposed implementation fails to meet the encapsulation test for structs and classes and also for globals inside modules because no matter if a field is marked private inside a class or struct, it is directly accessible from outside the class or struct within the same module, thus breaking encapsulation, therefore control is not assured, i.e., the property methods are easily circumvented from within the module.

If we make an exception to the encapsulation definition and allow encapsulation to be circumvented only within the module level but not from outside the module, then module level properties can meet the encapsulation test since private globals are not accessible from outside, but that works only if module level properties are allowed, but I understand that the currently proposed implementation is in a conflict with UCFS, so another exception to the definition is needed to disallow module level properties only because the implementation is inadequate which seems absurd to have to do.

In summary, the definition of property encapsulation is good, but to meet the definition, the @property implementation is not adequate, and D will require the ability to mark variables as private at the module level (this is something I don't understand why we don't have).


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