On Thursday, 14 February 2013 at 11:58:13 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-02-14 10:46, Walter Bright wrote:

I don't understand why one would go around the horn to just check for

I've tried to explain, it shows what the intention is.

Instead of "str.length == 0" I use "str.empty". Instead of "!str.empty" I like to use "str.any".

It's not a big deal but I would need to change quite a lot of code if "str.any" isn't allowed.

I totally agree with Walter, it adds useless cognitive load. I thoroughly hate it. I would need to have to look at the doc to know what any means, while !empty, everyone already knows it. And I don't want D to be another Perl, where one can write the same thing in ten different manners, so that it's impossible to recognize patterns or a common style.

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