On 2/16/2013 10:35 AM, SomeDude wrote:
On Thursday, 14 February 2013 at 10:01:21 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 2/14/2013 12:32 AM, bearophile wrote:
Walter Bright:
A good interface design has the *minimum* number of functions out of which
anything else can be built. Functions that are recombinations of other
functions in the same interface do not belong in that interface.

It's tempting to create kitchen sink abstractions, but they really are a bad

Yes, it actually makes reading code *harder* for everyone but the writer,
because the code ends up lacking consistency.

My own experience is it makes it harder for the writer, too :-)

Also, it often takes several iterations to discover just what the right minimum set is. Nobody gets it right the first time.

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