On 2013-03-21 21:42, J wrote:

Intriguing, Jacob!  I could learn alot about reflection by studying your

How is it installed?  I installing by downloading that single file, and
with a quick hack to the Reflection.d top three lines (commenting out
the module and imports at the top), I tried calling it with this, no luck:


import Reflection; // with module and imports commented out...
import std.stdio;

string my(int a, int b) {
   return "howdy";

void main(string[] arg) {

    auto s = callWithNamedArguments(my, `a=3, b=4`);

// yields:

$ ./ref.d
./ref.d(13): Error: function ref.my (int a, int b) is not callable using
argument types ()
./ref.d(13): Error: expected 2 function arguments, not 0

It's been quite a while since I tested that code. I'll see what I can do.

/Jacob Carlborg

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