On Tue, 02 Apr 2013 02:55:43 -0400, Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

The obvious solution to that would be to be able to specify multiple exception types for a single catch block:

catch (MySpecificException1, MySpecificException2 ex)

Yes, this could help. But it's still not great. One must still store a "type identifier" in the ex, or have to deal with casting to figure out what type ex is.

It also promotes creating a new type for every single catchable situation.

Consider that we could create one exception type that contains an 'errno' member, and if we have the ability to run extra checks for catching you could do:

catch(ErrnoException ex) if (ex.errno == EBADF || ex.errno == EBADPARAM)

But if we must do it with types, we need:

class ErrnoException(uint e) : Exception
   enum errno = e;

or worse, to make things easier to deal with we have:

class ErrnoException : Exception
   int errno;
   this(int errno) { this.errno = errno; }

class ErrnoExceptionT(uint e) : ErrnoException
   this() { super(e); }

which would be easier to deal with, but damn what a waste! Either way, every time you catch another errno exception, we are talking about instantiating another type.

I think the solution with a categorical errno exception, with a simple errno stored as a variable (along with the ability to catch based on it) is much cleaner IMO, and I wonder if testing members instead of typeids might be more efficient in the stack unwinding code.


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