On Thursday, 4 April 2013 at 01:07:08 UTC, Zach the Mystic wrote:
'scope ref': The only existing documentation on scope parameters: http://dlang.org/function.html suggests that references to them simply cannot leave the function they find themselves in. But this is *not* what the temp ref feature is about. Say you have this temp ref function:

ref int func(@temp ref int a) { return a; }

According to the spec, it clearly violates 'scope', but is nonetheless valid and safe, as far as I can tell. The compiler can easily track the scope of a given lvalue at the call site:

static int* x;
static int y;
x = *func(3); // Error: result of func(3) is assumed to be local
x = *func(y); // Pass: address of y is known to be global

This kind of safety checking is not yet implemented, but is suggested in DIP25, http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP25 . I believe it is the right way to go. The locality of the return by reference is assumed to be as local as the reference which is passed into it. So the temp '3' reference would make the result of func(3) yield a local, barring any other information which would allow the compiler to safely assume otherwise. In essence, '@temp ref' can escape its scope safely because the locality of the result is not its responsibility.

On the other hand, a '@temp ref' parameter *should* be prevented from being assigned directly to a global, since it might be stack-allocated:

static int* x;
void func(@temp ref int a) {
  x = &a; // Error, 'a' might be stack-allocated

This *would* be an acceptable error. It's completely unsafe to assume that 'a' is located anywhere but the stack. But it's very different from a 'scope' parameter, which expressly forbids this, as opposed to the fortuitous coincidence that allows you to know that 'x = &a' is an error in this particular case. To have 'scope ref' implicitly mean '@temp ref' would be conflating two different features, I think, which only happen to have one thing in common.

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