On Fri, 12 Apr 2013 10:17:54 +0100, Vladimir Panteleev <vladi...@thecybershadow.net> wrote:

On Friday, 12 April 2013 at 08:57:19 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
I don't understand why you're so "against" these comments. There is no real "argument" here, you both want std.process to be as good as it can be and it will clearly be better if it performs faster and allocates less.

This is a fallacy.

Nope, you're attacking a Strawman here. At most my statement is incomplete because it doesn't address the costs (which I left out for brevity).

Performance is not free.

I never claimed it was (thus the Strawman). I simply claimed std.process would be "better" if it performed faster and allocated less - which is true.

Somebody must do the work.
D contributors do not have an infinity of time and motivation.

I know this as well as anyone, my own free time is in short supply.

Optimizing code often implies making it more complicated.

Straight-forward code is self-documenting.

More complicated code is harder to read and review.

More complicated code more easily hides bugs - including security bugs, such as buffer overflows.

Maintaining optimized code requires understanding not only the high-level logic, but also the low-level optimization details.

The benefits of optimizing std.process are likely to be so small, as to be difficult to measure.

All true. However, complexity can and should be packaged in such a way as to localise, and this localised complex code should be tested to death and maintained by someone who understands it. It should be bracketed by sufficient comments and warnings about how/why it does what it does. The resulting packaged complexity, with it's associated cost can be re-used many times over for all the benefit it gives.

Stack allocating the environment variables need not be a localised improvement but could be a standard library function which can be reused, for example.

Would you still say that the above costs are worth the nearly-intangible gain?

"nearly-intangible" is wrong. Library code is code which is used by (hopefully) millions of people, writing millions of applications, running for millions of hours, on millions of systems, creating thousands of processes, etc.. In short, a little effort now pays massive dividends over it's lifetime.

So, yes, IMO the costs shown above are worth the resulting gains.

D is a systems programming language, there is hope that it will penetrate a wide range of systems and environments - sure in many cases a little bit of memory use or performance loss is unimportant, but for many it will be the decisive factor which makes D unusable there.

D is constantly being compared to other languages on the basis of performance, so it's clearly an important aspect of D's success.

Library code needs to work first time and work well or people will roll their own wasting time, energy and in many cases getting some aspect of it just plain wrong.

Again, I'm not suggesting (nor was Manu I think) that this in any way blocks the inclusion of std.process. But I do share his desire for performance to sometimes be a little higher up the priority list.


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