I've run into a problem which I'd like to hope is a bug, but let's see if we can figure out if I'm doing something stupid first, eh?

When a destructor calls a function from another module, I get an InvalidMemoryOperationError. When a destructor calls a function from another class in the same module, and that function calls the function I was trying to call initially, everything seems to go fine. When a destructor calls a function in the same class, which calls a function in a different module, I get the InvalidMemoryOperationError again.

This may have to do with garbage collector subtleties I'm not familiar with.


File alpha.d
module alpha;

import beta;

class AlphaClass
    BetaClass bc;
    Alpha2Class a2c;

    void cleanup()
bc.cleanup();//if this is called from the destructor, expect an error.

        bc = new BetaClass();
        a2c = new Alpha2Class(bc);
        bc.cleanup();//this will cause an error.
        a2c.cleanup();//this works fine
        cleanup();//this will cause an error.

class Alpha2Class
    BetaClass bc;

    void cleanup()

    this(BetaClass initbc)
        bc = initbc;

File beta.d

module beta;

class BetaClass
        //do something
    void cleanup()
        //clean up after the bosses

Further info can be provided if necessary.

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