On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 16:07:05 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Still buggy. The empty string must be a prefix of any string including the empty string.

Huh. Well, that makes sense. Just change while to do while and you've got that. Probably compiles to exactly the same code as your implementation in the link at that point.

But this probably told you more about my methods than getting it right the first time would have: I'll just slap something together that's good enough for the test case(s) fed to it and then change it if new stuff arises where it fails. One of the nice things about software is you generally don't have to get it right the first time since it is so easy to change.

This is TDD-lite isn't it! lol


I definitely remember reading that when you posted it a while ago because I have code that does that <?d writeln("hello, world"); ?> laying around.


It works by just reading the file and translating everything outside the <?d?> into a giant writeln(string literal), pasting in the D code, then compile+running it, inserting a bunch of imports so it works.

dom.d now supports those kinds of tags, it could probably be even nicer, especially with a D lexer so it doesn't think "?>" is the same as ?>. But as I'm sure I said then, this is a bad idea anyway since mixing code and html data leads to ugliness, whether the code is php or D.

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