On Sunday, 23 June 2013 at 16:28:56 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
foreach(ln; stdin.byLine(KeepTerminator.yes)) {


Would be awesome if an Apache extension would make it trivial to write Web pages in D.

Just use cgi or fastcgi, both are really easy to configure on apache (often needing nothing more than copying your executable into /cgi-bin/, or adding three lines to ,htaccess), and being separate processes, if you crash them it is no big deal. No need to do set up a reverse proxy or get your system administrator to load strange new Apache modules.

Or if you are just playing, you can skip apache altogether and use a D http server, like my cgi.d and vibe.d both offer (vibe.d's scales way better but mine is simpler).

But I kinda want to play with this now with shared libraries just for something to do so maybe I will.

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