On 6/25/13 4:36 PM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 at 22:16:31 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
I don't see how we lose anything by having conferences like this.

There is possibly an opportunity cost: I'd be willing to work significant time 
on D stuff, directed
by the community, for a year if paid the $30,000 we raised on kickstarter, and 
perhaps even use
spaces instead of tabs in the code [!!!] and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

But the conference(s) may end up being worth more than contracting some 
programmers, so it isn't
necessarily a loss.

Spending $30k on a single developer vs spending it on a conference attended by 100 people where lots of major issues are discussed is no contest. The conference every time.

If even a handful of people took something away from the conference and went off and did something that improves the community even a little, the end result is worth a lot more. And I'm sure that more than a handful of people got great value out of time spent.

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