09-Aug-2013 04:53, Tyler Jameson Little пишет:
According to the review queue, there there are 5 items that are
currently ready for review. There was even a thread a while back about
starting another formal review, where both Jacob Carlborg and Brian
Schott said they're ready for review:
http://forum.dlang.org/thread/gjonxudcdiwrlkgww...@forum.dlang.org (it
mostly digressed into bickering about the review process...).

Truth be told the wiki page is a bit misleading:

std.compression.lz77 - might be ready for review (as in code) but needs to address fundamental design decisions and get the right interface for all streaming (de)compressors. std.idioms - a great idea but at the moment it hardly pulls its weight providing only a couple of helpers

That IMHO leaves 2 non-controversial items on the plate:
std.d.lexer and std.serialize
that would be great to review. Or in case of std.serialize re-review.

For other stuff would be important to know what the true status is.

Is there currently a formal review under way?


I'm particularly
interested in the outcome of the formal review of std.serialize, because
I'd like to see a decent replacement for std.json (I'd be willing to
contribute as well).

Then you would need to design a new std.json or land a hand in such a project. std.serialization should simply use it then as a backend not the other way around.

I havn't seen anything in this mailing list (except the above and one by
Walter Bright) for a while, and I haven't seen any pull requests for any
of the items in the review queue.

Well previously reviewed std.uni got pulled recently. Things are moving but slooowly.

Dmitry Olshansky

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