On Friday, August 09, 2013 15:53:09 Tyler Jameson Little wrote:
> Is this due to the review process review? Who do I bug to get
> things underway? I'd offer to act as review manager, but I don't
> feel I have enough clout in the community to do so.

I suspect that almost no one has even looked at it. After some of us objected 
to the situation with the review for std.serialize with objects that we 
thought were quite obvious and Jesse didn't, he created a page on the wiki for 
the review process (or edited an existing one - I'm not sure which), and then 
asked for feedback. No one has given such feedback. Personally, I keep meaning 
to get around to looking at it but have been quite busy of late and have 
generally been failing to get around to a lot of stuff, including Jesse's wiki 

No review has been happeing primarily because no one has been pushing for one. 
Someone who wants their code reviewed needs to be pushing for it and get 
someone to step as a review manager. Reviews don't just happen on their own, 
and there isn't really anyone managing the review queue. It's just a list of 
projects that at least at one point were possibly ready for review and which 
could be reviewed if the person who wrote it (or is now maintaining it) pushed 
for it - probably with precedence given to whoever was first in line if 
multiple people were pushing for review at once, but right now, no one is 
pushing to have their submission reviewed, so no review is happening.

- Jonathan M Davis

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