On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 13:31:40 UTC, ilya-stromberg wrote:

I think such stuff should go as an extra module in same package with various useful out-of-the box logger implementations at the very best. Probably even dub package built on top of std.logger;

Phobos has very specific general design I like a lot - self-contained modules/packages with zero external dependencies (please kill std.net.curl!), which do work by simply importing certain modules. No extra configuration, no creation of weird useless classes - just reasonable defaults that work as-is in most cases.

In that sense what is 100% needed is enhancing current API so that it may allow more fine grained tweaking of loggers (addition of module info, providing built-in multiplexing logger). There should be no temptation to build own stuff with own API because you can't write own logger that fits standard one.

But actual batteries - no, this does belong to Phobos.

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