On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:25:55 UTC, Robert Schadek wrote:
On 10/15/2013 04:17 PM, ilya-stromberg wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:12:38 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
But if it's available people _will_ use it in complex contexts. Also if the writer of a 2<<8 loc library uses it and the library is used by a large piece of software, that will also be affected. The point is that it is unhygienic and requires non-trivial extra work when using a logger in a multi-threaded environment. Some kind of scoped stack of default log levels would get around this issue, but that
smells like over engineering.

I dislike syntax:
log.logLevel = LogLevel.warning;
log("This is a warning");

Much better:
log.warning("This is a warning");
You can also write log(LogLevel.warning, "This is a warning"); And that
also allows you to treat the LogLevel as a variable.
log(myComputedLogLevel, "..."); Anyway, functions should be verbs.

Yes, I know.
Idea: let all "as is" and just add `log.xxx("...");` functions. It looks like that solves all problems: - we can log with configurable default log level (setup for all programm):
log("This is a warning");
- we can specify local log level (setup for class or function):
log(myComputedLogLevel, "...");
- and we can call log with specific log level:
or maybe
log.logWarning("..."); //yes, it is a verb

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