On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:12:38 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 15.10.2013 15:52, schrieb Robert Schadek:
On 10/15/2013 03:21 PM, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 15.10.2013 10:41, schrieb Robert Schadek:
On 10/15/2013 02:44 AM, Kapps wrote:
The simple act of logging a message is very verbose right now: log(LogLevel.trace, "Creating new pool") is a lot of boiler plate. I'd prefer something like log.trace("Creating new pool") and log("Creating new pool") where the latter would use opCall to forward to the default log level. If it's intentional that you can assign the result of log, this also helps that because log = new StdIOLogger would be possible (log being a property that returns a Logger, and so a setter could be made), but log("Creating new pool") = new StdIOLogger() would not be.
The LogLevel is optional. And always writing log.trace might become more typing work and assigning a LogLevel and than calling log("..."). Both
have pros and cons

What happens when a called function alters the default log level?
The default log level is altered.

Believe it or not, for some reason I suspected as much.

void func1() {
    log.logLevel = LogLevel.debug;
    log("This is a debug message");
    log("This is supposed to be a debug message");

void func2() {
    log.logLevel = LogLevel.warning;
    log("This is a warning");
If you don't specify a logger nor a LogLevel the currently set default
logger will log the message with its currently set LogLevel.

Yes, but the point is that when looking only at func1, you might expect that all messages are logged as debug messages, but the last one will be logged as a warning instead. func2 may be hidden in library where the function body is not readily available.

I don't think it's a good idea to use such kind of global state, especially for a logging framework that is supposed to be shared
between libraries, so that it is difficult to predict what a
particular function does. With a logger that is shared between
threads, things get worse of course.
I think this is good, as it gives you a way to quite libraries down. The idea behind the free standing "log" function is to provide an ultra easy way to log. It is not meant to be used for the 2<<31 line program. In that case you will properly have very specific needs on how to log.
Hence implement the abstract Logger class to your needs.

But if it's available people _will_ use it in complex contexts. Also if the writer of a 2<<8 loc library uses it and the library is used by a large piece of software, that will also be affected. The point is that it is unhygienic and requires non-trivial extra work when using a logger in a multi-threaded environment. Some kind of scoped stack of default log levels would get around this issue, but that smells like over engineering.

I dislike syntax:
log.logLevel = LogLevel.warning;
log("This is a warning");

Much better:
log.warning("This is a warning");

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