Le 09/11/2013 01:09, "Théo B" <mun...@gmx.com>" a écrit :
On Friday, 8 November 2013 at 23:19:04 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 11/08/2013 12:21 PM, "Théo B" <mun...@gmx.com>" wrote:

> Unfortunaly, finding resources in french on the web is near

"Programming in D" is currently being translated to French. I will
ping the translator so that he can chime in about the progress.



Good news !
This will be great if the translator took contact with us :)

Hello everybody,

I'm the translator of Ali's book. Unfortunately, I've been quite busy these times, and finding time to continue the translation implies motivation.
One motivation would be to see the already translated part online.
I'm currently translating the "Exception" chapter (which is quite big !)

As for finding time itself, I guess I can manage to schedule the translation of one chapter or the half of a big chapter a week. The publication of what is already translated would be extremely motivating.

I would be glad to see this translation published on dlang-fr.org. Great initiative Théo ! The creation of dlang-fr could be a major event for the French D community. Bravo!

What is needed for this translation to be published is some proofreading. So far, I have only been translating, proofreading has not be done.

Theo, we need to get in touch to organize the proofreading and the publication of the translation through dlang-fr, if you are okay.

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