24-Dec-2013 09:00, Jakob Ovrum пишет:
On Tuesday, 24 December 2013 at 04:48:57 UTC, Jakob Ovrum wrote:
[1] Assuming that the case for non-auto-expanding lists can be argued
sufficiently for inclusion in Phobos, which is yet to be seen. This
DIP doesn't seem to even try.

Clarification: "Assuming that the case for non-auto-expanding lists can be
argued sufficiently for inclusion in Phobos, in the context of list
algorithms that take a variadic number of variadic lists as arguments."

I feel that non-expanding lists only make sense in the context of these
niche algorithms for the reasons explained in the parent post, and thus
do not warrant conflation with auto-expanding lists.

As long as algorithms that operate say on 2 lists expect arguments to have '.expand' we'd be in a good shape just providing a `packList` or some such together with `list`.

It would even work out of the box with current user-defined pack types if they have .expand.

Dmitry Olshansky

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