On Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at 15:08:16 UTC, Chris wrote:
How's the FreeBSD documentation / community? Is it easy to find solutions?

FreeBSD has the best official docs I've ever seen for an OS:


The mailing lists and forums are good places to get questions answered. I've never had problems finding solutions, if they exist. ;) Arch's wiki might be the best such informational resource I've ever seen though.

I'm testing ArchLinux now and so far I think it's great. I've encountered less problems than on other, so called user-friendly, distros. The documentation is sound, and I like the fact that it's a rolling distro. If it comes so close to FreeBSD, as has been said, I wonder if it is worth the trouble to install FreeBSD at all.

It's worth trying FreeBSD if you're at all interested in tech like zfs, zones, dtrace, bhyve, etc. Pacman is better than any other package manager I've used though.

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