On Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 18:50:24 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
grep -i -r lwr *.d
std\traits.d:        alias G Lwr;
std\traits.d: enum ok = functionLinkage!Upr == functionLinkage!Lwr; std\traits.d: enum ok = variadicFunctionStyle!Upr == variadicFunctionStyle!Lwr; std\traits.d: // Note the order of arguments. The convertion order Lwr -> Upr is std\traits.d: // correct since Upr should be semantically 'narrower' than Lwr. std\traits.d: enum ok = isStorageClassImplicitlyConvertible!(Lwr, Upr);
std\traits.d:            enum lwrAtts = functionAttributes!Lwr;
std\traits.d: ( (uprAtts & wantExact) == (lwrAtts & wantExact)) && std\traits.d: ( (uprAtts & FA.pure_ ) >= (lwrAtts & FA.pure_
 )) &&
std\traits.d: ( (uprAtts & FA.nothrow_) >= (lwrAtts & FA.nothrow_)) && std\traits.d: (!!(uprAtts & safety ) >= !!(lwrAtts & safety
  )) ;
std\traits.d: enum ok = is(ReturnType!Upr : ReturnType!Lwr);
std\traits.d:            alias ParameterTypeTuple!Lwr LwrParams;
std\traits.d: alias ParameterStorageClassTuple!Lwr LwrPSTCs;
std\traits.d:                    enum lwrStc = LwrPSTCs[i];
std\traits.d: ((uprStc & wantExact ) == (lwrStc & wantExact )) && std\traits.d: ((uprStc & STC.scope_) >= (lwrStc & STC.scope_)) && std\traits.d: static if (UprParams.length == LwrParams.length) std\traits.d: enum ok = is(UprParams == LwrParams) && checkNext!(0).ok; std\typetuple.d: * type tuple. TL[$(I lwr) .. $(I upr)] returns a new type

Exactly - all those places are internals of few very old templates ;) Other than one part of documentation in typetuple, have not noticed it initially. It is not even comparable with grep results for "lower" and "upper". I'd expect those places in std.traits to be fixed too once someone will be working on that part of code.

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