On 3/13/14, Peter Alexander <peter.alexander...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If that library is no longer maintained then it just stops working

Which is a good thing. Why would you use an umaintained library? There
is no such thing as a perfect library that has all of its bugs fixed.
No maintenance => dead project.

> As for the release time and beta: most people aren't on the
> forums daily. They don't know this is happening. The people on
> this forum are not representative D users.

Those who wish to represent themselves should represent themselves.
You want to represent the D clients who:

- Won't file bugs
- Won't disclose their names
- Won't disclose that they're using D
- Won't contribute to D

Exactly what makes them a worthwhile client to keep? Is it just in
order to be able to privately brag about client X using your
technology Z? I really don't understand how D "wins" with these ghost
clients that do not represent themselves.

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