"Daniele Vian" wrote in message news:qggzguvbwtpaipdmn...@forum.dlang.org...

Just to be clear, I never had a "preferred" implementation, nor I would ever "lobby" for one as it's not in the best interest of anybody. Consider me a fan of breaking the code if it improves features, security and what not. The only thing I'm asking for is for it to be transparent: a point in the changelog and keeping the old one as deprecated for a reasonable amount of time, that's all.

I think we can all agree on that.

A bug was not filed as it didn't look like a bug but a design choice (undocumented).

If it breaks your code without warning, it's usually worth filing a bug. Bugzilla is the best place to report possible regressions, as all the relevant people are paying attention. Worst case it gets closed with an explanation of why it was changed.

If reporting it directly to Walter Bright was the wrong thing to do, my apologies, but we surely didn't have any hidden "agenda" here.

There is nothing wrong with reporting directly to Walter, the problem is when Walter/Andrei then make decisions based on this information privately. Walter has been wrong about these things in the past, and without knowing who the third party is it's impossible to get clarification.

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