On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:11:50 -0400, bossfong <bossf...@posteo.de> wrote:

As a "new kid", I'm really baffled by by how much discussion in the developers scene is done in mailing lists. I strongly believe that mailing-lists are not suited for heated discussions on very specific issues. I even belive it's counter-productive when comparing the discussion flow with modern forum software.

You can use NNTP and a competent newsreader, I suggest opera mail.

I can instantly search all posts from all years in Opera. I can read posts offline if I don't have access.

By modern forum software I mean discussion centric software like disqus[1].

The only thing extra it provides is voting. We could potentially add voting to the forum software, but I won't use it, since I use NNTP.

I will mention that I love disqus for web sites I visit casually. But I don't think it's a good fit here, as most users have their own way of accessing the data.


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