On Thursday, 13 March 2014 at 19:38:21 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 06:17:27PM +0000, bossfong wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 March 2014 at 18:30:37 UTC, Jesse Phillips wrote:
>I don't see anything from that which would make it better for
>heated discussion. A discussion is just a thread of replies.

"A discussion is just a thread of replies" is wrong I believe.
Discussions often evolve and diverge, whilst threads have a static title and topic.

What Teoh says below, a divergent thread is a new discussion, which may or may not relate to its parent. The only way to separate it is for someone to decide it should be separate.

That's not true. That's only the limitation of the web interface. NNTP threads can have a new subject in every reply, should the need arise. AND it keeps track of the parent post, so that if you want to, you can actually trace the thread back to the parent thread! Show me a web-based
forum that can do that, and I might reconsider.

Yeah, the web interface could handle new titles better (currently keeps them nested in the same thread).

>Votes are probably the only thing missing because they >eliminate
>the need for "+1" posts.

I agree. (see, how again some button would have been nice)

Frankly, I rather see voting as a waste of time. Either you say
something substantial, or don't say it. Getting rid voting *and* +1 posts will be a good thing (though I'm guilty of +1 posts myself :P).

Sometimes the only thing you need to communicate is that there is more than one person who holds this opinion. Not really for deciding what to do, but to encourage the poster to peruse this point. Unlike Reddit or politics, votes shouldn't be used for moving thread priority or deciding what action to take.

They are mostly meaningless, but can be a moral boost for the poster.

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