On Monday, 28 April 2014 at 18:18:25 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Monday, 28 April 2014 at 18:07:45 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
What features does python, as a language (syntactical preferences aside), actually have to recommend it over D (assuming drepl* or similar became full-featured)?

not part of the language (unless you count the standard library. I don't see anything particularly special about python's standard library).

For closures for arrays and dicts.
I don't understand

std.meta is on it's way, possibly with some small language improvements. It's surprising how much python-style tuple code you can do in D already, but the syntax is a little lacking. (e.g. `int a, b, c; std.typetuple.TypeTuple!(a, c, b) = std.typecons.tuple(2, 3, 7).expand;`)

Heavy duty reflection and runtime dynamics.
Agreed. However, a lot of this is obviated by the compile-time abilities of D. Perhaps I'm just not that imaginative with my runtime introspections.

(Runtime extensible classes.)
I don't imagine this being difficult to do as a library type with opDispatch. This would be an interesting little project.

(Runtime integration of python and templates.)
I presume you mean web templates? This is a strong point in favour of an interpreted language, although the compile-time approach in vibe.d is powerful. As long as the code doesn't change too often, you can always recompile it and load as a shared library (I believe this is being looked at by vibe.d developers).

System support (app engine, etc).
Not part of the language

Lots of how-to-stuff on the web.

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